Happy Inauguration all!
The SSA Meeting went very well.
We had a guest speaker - Tom Tomich, who was representing the Agriculture Sustainability Institute (ASI) for short. Tom has been the ASI director for two years. Several students have representative positions on several of ASI's boards (both internal and external). We are toying with the idea of starting a student advisory committee, for more information, check out the minutes.
SSA will be hosting a film soon about the Good Humas Land Trust project. More news on that soon.
Maggie Lickter will be the student representative for the upcoming Sodexo Sustainability Conference, to be hosted here at UC Davis on February 2-4th. If you want your voice heard, contact her with feedback, input: molickter@ucdavis.edu
The 2nd annual Citrus Gleaning Bike Tour will be held on Saturday, February 7th at 12noon. Meet at the Davis Food CoOp parking lot! Bring your bikes, carts, baskets, trailers, citrus picking devices (ski poles work well too!). For more information, contact Christie McCullen: cgmccullen@ucdavis.edu
Students for Sustainable Agriculture will be joining forces with the UC Davis Student Nutrition Association to help out with the Davis Farm-to-School Connection. We will be participating as a group in a work day on Saturday, March 7th. More information to come soon.
The Green Initiative Fund is looking for help to get signatures in order to get the initiative on this upcoming ballot. To find out more about TGIF and how to help, go to TGIF's Website.
Go here for the minutes from the last meeting: Minutes - January 20, 2009
Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:00pm in the Project Compost office in Lower Freeborn Hall. Please email Jennifer Heinlein agenda items: jlheinlein@ucdavis.edu
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