The SSA meeting last night was packed full of some awesome stuff! To check out the meeting minutes, please go here.
We had guest John Li come and talk about the upcoming Davis Sustainability Festival and SSA's role in it. We had our ASUCD guest and contact, Bri, come and speak to SSA about how we can get our activities and events publicized through ASUCD.
This upcoming Saturday from 9am-12noon, SSA will be participating in a Davis Farm-to-School Connection garden work party at Harper Jr. High School - 4000 E. Covell Blvd. Carpooling will be happening! Meet at the MLC (433 Russell Blvd) at 8:45am for a ride!
We will be working on the SSA office space with Mark this weekend on Sunday - if you have time, come out and join us at 9am - there is lots of organizing and work to be done. =)
Look forward to a visioning session next quarter! We are going to get together and plan what we think we want to focus on as a group through the rest of the academic year, and starting next year as well.
Finally, don't forget about the upcoming SSA Sponsored trailer screening of the Last Crop, featuring local farmers Jeff and Annie Maine of Good Humus. It will be held next Tuesday at 6:30pm in Bowley Hall, immediately following the Alternatives in Ag seminar.
Thank you to Maggie who facilitated and Jen who was our note-taker. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 17th at 6:00pm in the Project Compost office. Please send agenda items to Jen at jlheinlein@ucdavis.edu.
Hello! I am a student of business administration in são Paulo Brazil, and I (with some friends) want to start a student's club of sustainability here at our university - www.usp.br - i guess do you have some tips for us. can you send me a email so we can talk a little bit more? feliperiber@gmail.com
thanks a lot for you be sharing the knowledge... I did put my blog (of a sustainable contest that I am participating. thnkS!
this is the adress for my blog of "sustainability" in companies. thnks!
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