Students for Sustainable Agriculture met last night to recap on several activities that have happened in the past couple of weeks and also to talk about upcoming events. Thank you to Katie for taking notes.
We also got a new couch for the office - thank you Ryan!
Maggie introduced the group to a new form of consensus decision making that she learned about while at the Food and Society Conference last week - it is called Fist to Five. SSA will be adopting this consensus voting procedure for meetings.
To read a summary of the minutes - check them out here.
Things are starting to come together for the annual Local Food Week - if you are interested in helping out with the planning, please contact Dani (or email sustainableag@gmail.com). Local Food Week/Celebrating Real Food Week will be May 26-28th this year. Mark your calendars!
The next SSA meeting will take place next week Tuesday, May 5th at 6:15pm at the Student Farm (exact location TBA)! The first half-hour we will be sharing a meal together, and in celebration of Cinco-de-Mayo, I suggest everyone bring a Cinco-de-Mayo themed food!
Please email Katie Cooper (kcooper@ucdavis.edu) any agenda items you may have.
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