The SSA meeting went very well tonight. Thank you to our guest presenter, Kendra Johnson, an SSA alum who currently works with the California Farm Link. For more information about what amazing opportunities the California Farm Link has, please check out their website here.
Other items discussed included partnerships with a Davis High students, Maggie's experience at the California Student Sustainable Coalition's Strengthening the Roots convergence this past weekend, Local Food Week, SSA possibly getting office space, and much more.
To read the minutes from the meeting, please go here.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:00pm in the Project Compost office in lower Freeborn Hall. We will be discussing the upcoming Local Food Week, further educational and activism opportunities, and having a guest from the Agricultural Sustainability Institute here at UC Davis.
If you have any agenda items, please forward them onto Victoria Lin at